Gme puts reddit
Gme puts reddit. I highly doubt GME will fall 90% in 1 week for those puts to expire in the money. Of these 513K OI Put contracts, exactly 288,614 are held at a strike of $5 or less. Actually, you can sell cash covered puts (aka cash secured puts) without owning the underlying stock. Posted by u/hotblood27 - 2,111 votes and 341 comments If they buy GME and their own company’s creditors are friends with GME shorts, it will impact their own business. Which means u get more premium. I'm thinking about rolling it to a future day. Volatility creates opportunity. 000 GME puts in March)? Edit: u/KeylessSorcerer found the CNPJ's for the Credit Suisse Hedging-Griff portfolios that contained 270. . 000 GME puts (270. I can immediately sell assigned shares and sell another put. My models calculate implied daily volatility (IDV) rather than annual volatility. For example, right now GME is at $183. The way I see it there's no way this thing gets close to 50 in the next two weeks. I suspect a slow bleedout then a massive sell off when DFV is out, bu I don't see this getting below $50 in two weeks. 000 "not GME puts": Put/Call parity implies that both the put and call will have (about) the same IV at the same strike. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I am not suggesting anyone sell Puts or not sell Puts. Puts. I’m hoping for GME to do well long term but agree you can probably make money on puts on days it’s gapped up and extended. If GME goes to the moon the market could get crazy with wide spreads on options and I don't see a real advantage to trading it via deep ITM put but I do see a number of disadvantages. Buying at a good price and hold for long term growth and/or sell (at least some, best at different price points) when price runs up. Going long-only on GME options right now is a pretty stupid play IMO. For complete transparency, I think the rocket is close and have stopped selling Puts and am just holding the stock at the moment. At this point, most of the people who are excited about GME and the nft thing have most or all of their portfolio dedicated to GME. I decided to go a little hard on 1 week puts since the premium looks so good. Welcome to the home of Battlefield 2042! Your place for discussion, help, news, reviews, questions, screenshots, videos, gifs, and anything else BF2042 related! Years ago this was perfect to sell all your business but now I only want to play in a normal lobby and the game puts me in a public session alone 8 of 10 times And when it finally puts me in a normal session there are only like 3 or 5 players Im playing in Xbox one X, open NAT, restart the game doesn't work, restart the console doesn't work Anyone buy any puts for the next few months? I’m looking at buying some for April and March I'm going to sell 2/12 $50 puts on GME. For example, with GME in the low $50s, I'm showing that $50 puts expiring Friday are currently trading for $12. Any recommendations. Selling puts when the price is going down, increases the iv which increase the value of the put option. 40. 5 premium expiring in 1 week. May 13, 2024 · An army of traders on the Reddit forum r/WallStreetBets helped drive a meteoric rise in GameStop’s stock price in recent days, forcing halts in trading and causing a major headache for the Minimize losses. So they print a Sythenic Share with Brazilian Puts then use the Sythenic share to cover a FTD via Enhanced (Fuckery) Lending and then they hide 80-90% of GME buy pressure through Odd Lots, More on NBBO abuse (as it takes more then 1 party to wash trade through the NBBO) Hi Y'all I have a put credit spread that is losing money. These open Puts represent 51,321,600 shares of potential obligations, as each contract covers 100 shares. Q3 You will never be assigned if the price is above your strike price. Or sell puts/calls outside the 27/40 range when it’s close to the edge of the range I decided to go a little hard on 1 week puts since the premium looks so good. risk equals the premium paid for the option, unlike shorting the stock or selling uncovered call options that come with, in theory, infinite risk. And considering that, if one wants to bet against GME, buying put options (like OP) is the way to go as the max. It's not going to ruin the trade but I would be inclined to just buy the shares instead of selling a put on a trade like that. 000 each, reminder: the screenshot showed Constancia having 270. Also, should i change…. Why did Bloomberg show Credit Suisse to have two investment funds together holding 540. Then you might want to roll your put to a higher strike, buying the cheap put back and selling a higher strike put at a higher premium. on Yahoo Finance. I sold 60 contracts of GME for $1. The higher the volatility, the higher the iv, and the more valuable the put option becomes. However it's always up to your own risk preferences and opportunity cost of your money. Opinions? The second catalyst is a market crash, gme has an insane negative beta that’s the inverse of the market, market is green = GME down but if market is blood red = GME up which is pretty telling from all the red flags that the banks have been pulling, but when that crash will happen we still don’t know, the magnitude of this crash will be the I recently bought some GME puts for Jan 2022. IV crush won't happen I'm guessing so I'll just hold them till expiry. Great - so they've got a put option on some Brazilian company. Some might think steam roller, but I think the premium makes up for the risk. PE, big business, and HFs are very intertwined in these relationships, thus making it near impossible for a billionaire to buy in without it affecting their existing businesses, relationships, or contacts. We built a whole app that lets you follow real trades by real people who've connected their brokerage and are putting their money where their mouth is. Follow real trades in real-time on AfterHour. I have been using a model to track GME IV for, among other things, an at-the-money strangle since Jan 27, 2021, recorded in the database at around 1:00 PM ET. View the basic GME option chain and compare options of GameStop Corp. Selling a Cash Secured Put. My thinking is that the short squeeze is going to be over in a few weeks/months and the price should return to historical levels or maybe be somewhat elevated compared to history and long dated put should print. I expect the strike/expiration given is part of the description given it's an odd combo of letters, but I'm not sure. If you absolutely must play it directionally, do it with a spread to minimize some of the IV risk. 32 and you want 100 shares at $175. Opinions? On GME you might be range bound trading, not using luck. Short term, GME has been fluctuating wildly between 10 and 80 USD. The volatility is crazy high, so even if you're right on the direction, if the move isn't fast or far enough, you still lose money. Selling Puts on GME allows you to get paid to buy GME, but risks you losing out on rocket money. The kids aren't enough to move gme anymore. As of right now, there are exactly 513,216 OI Puts on GameStop across 14 expirees, stretching from tomorrow (9/24) out to January 24, '23. "Free runner" principle. Q4 You cannot "accept or deny" assignment. For this position the value is "Opção de venda" (put option). All have their own unique advantages and disadvantages. In January you had a bunch of people who didn't own GME rushing into GME which caused the massive price rise. If the price of GME goes up, the value of your put will go down. But you need to put work into it, analyze and measure the moves. Actually, the call options look super juicy for cc as well. May 14, 2024 · One interesting trade you could do is to sell puts on GME. Let's say you want to pick up 100 shares of GME but you don't want to pay the current price for them and you are waiting on a dip. If GME has a large price run up or the IV drops and the current value of the option is worth 90% of what you sold it for, then buying it back may be desirable. Same info with the addition of one new line, "Tipo de Ativo" (Asset Type). When IV is high, its a better time to sell puts. gmbbx lgistjp pcey kvhfj kca zidms wubxi opfwm fekx nog